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Jobs for “General Labor”

3 matches

  • Assembly

    Pine City, MN TempToFT 5 Months ago
    Machine Operators would take converted material and placing it in a blister to be sealed by a rotary alloy'd, it is a standing job. Scissor Operators take scissors and place them in a correct order in a blister with a back card and seal them with a shuttle, it is a standing job.
    Order: 1680822
  • Assembly

    Pine City, MN TempToFT 1 Month ago
    Machine Operators would take converted material and placing it in a blister to be sealed by a rotary alloy'd, it is a standing job. Scissor Operators take scissors and place them in a correct order in a blister with a back card and seal them with a shuttle, it is a standing job.
    Order: 1686498
  • Assembly

    Pine City, MN TempToFT 3 Weeks ago
    Machine Operators would take converted material and placing it in a blister to be sealed by a rotary alloy'd, it is a standing job. Scissor Operators take scissors and place them in a correct order in a blister with a back card and seal them with a shuttle, it is a standing job.
    Order: 1688357