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Oklahoma City, OK

Order: 18962
Environment/job description – this is light work and employee is not required to lift more than 35 to 40 pounds. it is task repetitive and dirty work. employee will be disassembling, cleaning, & assembling used alternators and starters. If employee has production experience it is helpful but they are willing to train anyone. PPR has a diverse workforce. It is not necessary to speak English but must be able to understand yes & no. They have translators that can translate in both English, Spanish, & Vietnamese. Positions are for both light and heavy lifting. Business is Alternators and Starters. Departments – Disassembly, Cleaning, Lab Inspection, Unit Assembly, Quality Control, & shipping will assign a department in orientation Report To – Richard Moore for first day orientation. Richard will conduct orientation and assign department with shift. Rachel Todd will be onsite to check in employees Report time – 7:45am on the first day. Then they will be assigned to a department and shift. 2nd day they will start on their shift 6am. Shift times – all shifts start at 6am to 3:30pm. Depending on department employee may be required to come in at 6am for mandatory overtime. If the department works on a Saturday employee comes in from 7am to noon. Department managers will give employee as much notice as possible for overtime and Saturday shift work. If employee cannot work Saturdays or come in at 6am due to childcare. Bus route etc., they need to inform their supervisor and us prior to the scheduled overtime. This way they will not be counted as absent or late. Break & lunch times - DO NOT RETURN LATE this will count towards perfect attendance. If you are late from lunch or breaktime you could be let go for tardiness. Tell employee to bring their lunch! Lunch is only 30 minutes and they will not have enough time to run anywhere to get something. If they leave the property at lunch time they must let their supervisor know. There is a nice break room with vending machines, microwaves, & refrigerators, they can bring their lunch or money for vending machines at lunchtime. If leaving the property they MUST let PPR know and clock out for lunch. They also get 2 10 minutes breaks. DO NOT RETURN LATE FROM LUNCH OR BREAKTIME PPE/Dress Code - wear old clothes as you will get dirty. Sleeved t-shirt nothing offensive, jeans or pants and Steel toed boots. They must be steel toed or you will not be allowed to work. Safety glasses. (we will leave a box of safety glasses up front and will hand out upon arrival to jobsite.) Mask – all mask must be worn while working until PPR removes restriction. Background requirements – this is a second chance employer. Felonies are accepted with the following conditions. No violent or sexual offenders. Anything with a firearm is consider violent. Domestic violence will be considered on a per case bases and we must alert Sarah & Richard prior to sending. Drug charges are accepted as long as they are not a repeat offender. Attendance – STRESS ATTENDANCE!!!! If they cannot report for any reason they must call the following 405-681-2592 Ext. 333 leave your name, department name, and reason for calling out. If they have any appointments within the next 90 days that would prevent them from being at work they must let us know prior to starting. If something comes up unexpectedly then let us know so we can let PPR know they will be off that day or have to leave early. If they do not have a fever and they are just not feeling well still ask them to report to PPR let their supervisor know and they will send them home. This shows PPR they are dedicated and want to work and will help avoid them getting terminated due to attendance. Pay - $13.00 per hour. Employee is able to roll to PPR after 520. When rolled to PPR payroll employee will receive a raise to $15.00 per hour. When on PPR payroll within the first 90 days employee is evaluated and can qualify for additional pay raises.